When I think of what a Father means, 
I think of what I'm not. 
And I can't pretend to comprehend, 
all the lessons you have taught.

I have always dreamed of a Fatherhood, 
that I would undertake. 
Yet this blessing of God has passed me by, 
but all for Heavens sake.

It takes a special kind of man, 
to win at Fatherhood. 
Like a man who stays through thick & thin, 
like every Father should.

Providing for the ones he loves, 
through sacrificing years. 
Not giving up in trying times, 
regardless of his fears.

A teacher with his very life, 
to guide his children well. 
Forgiving them, mistakes they've made, 
quoting wisdom when they fail.

Knowing that a Fathers job, 
don't end at eighteen's door. 
And examples that you set for them, 
will live forever more.

So as I think upon these traits, 
I guess the Lord knew best. 
He must have known I'm better off, 
with just an empty nest.

But if one day he sees me fit, 
to bless me with a Son. 
I pray to God, I lead him well, 
like you have always done.