A type of germ that lives in all of our bodies. There are different types of fungi dependent on where on the body the fungal infection is located.

Goldenseal, Bloodroot, Barberry, Oregon Grape, & Yellowroot- Internal Purposes: A phytochemical that works against fungi is called a berberine. Goldenseal contains berberine and fights against different types if fungi, including candida. Bloodroot is another herb that houses berberine and has been used to treat skin fungi and be used to reduce inflammation. Barberry, Oregon Grape, and Yellowroot round off the list of herbs that also contain berberine and that can treat fungal infections.

Pau d'arco & Goldenseal- External Purposes: To remove unsightly fungus infections of the toes or fingers, you can soak the nails in a mixture of Pau d'arco & Goldenseal. Boil a gallon of water in a pot and add six tea bags. All the water to cool to where you can bear to touch it without burning yourself and then add the insides of four Goldenseal capsules.  Dosage: Enjoy a foot soak (or hand soak) for fifteen minutes twice daily.

Wild Oregano Oil- Internal Purposes: This is a very powerful natural antibiotic that written up in studies indicating that not only does it have the capability to halt the growth of 25 germs (including staphylococcus aureas & E-coli) but it also has the ability to rid a body of parasites. This herb is rich in minerals and antioxidants and can help to eradicate even the most stubborn of fungi.