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Meniere's Disease affects the inner ear and is evidenced by tinnitus (buzzing or ringing of the ears), dizziness or vertigo, imbalance, hearing loss, or pressure. It may be linked to swollen chambers in the inner ear.

Butcher's Broom- Internal Purposes: Fights retaining fluid and increases circulation.

Ginger- Internal Purposes: Aids with nausea

Ginkgo biloba- Internal Purposes: Improves circulation to the brain.  Dosage: Take in capsule or tablet form.

St. John's Wort- Internal Purposes: Eases depression and stress

About Bishop Hampton

James W. Hampton was born on August 5, 1940 in Crugar, Mississippi to the late Dave Hampton and the late Mother Elma Hampton.

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Mother Howard Appreciation Program
05-12-2024 12:30 pm
Unity Fellowship Convention
07-30-2024 07:00 pm