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Malabsorption Syndrome occurs when a person cannot properly absorb nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from food. Digestion and absorption both have an impact on a person's ability to absorb nutrients properly.

Alfalfa, dandelion root, fennel seed, ginger, and nettle- Internal Purposes: Helps the body to absorb minerals.

Peppermint and Aloe Vera- Internal Purposes: Helps Digestion

Black Pepper- Internal Purposes: Helps Digestion and absorbing nutrients.

Buchu- Internal Purposes: Lowers inflammation in the colon and mucous membranes.

Goldenseal- Internal Purposes: Helps the liver, colon, and pancreas function.  Cautions: Do not use if pregnant, allergic to ragweed or internally for more than a week.

Irish Moss and Rhubarb- Internal Purposes: Helps support the colon.

Yellow Dock- Internal Purposes: Enhances the liver and colon functions

About Bishop Hampton

James W. Hampton was born on August 5, 1940 in Crugar, Mississippi to the late Dave Hampton and the late Mother Elma Hampton.

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Mother Howard Appreciation Program
05-12-2024 12:30 pm
Unity Fellowship Convention
07-30-2024 07:00 pm